European majors call for rollout of RNG to support decarbonization pathways

In Europe, leading biomethane offtakers have come together in the Biomethane Offtakers Declaration to call for higher support for biomethane production and offtake. Led by the European Biogas Association (EBA), this initiative emphasizes biomethane’s essential role in achieving Europe’s climate neutrality objectives while ensuring the continent’s global competitiveness.

Feb 15, 2025 - 03:30
European majors call for rollout of RNG to support decarbonization pathways

Biogas and biomethane aka renewable natural gas (RNG) are key solutions for the decarbonization of European industries, offering the most cost-effective and scalable renewable energy sources available today.

Produced locally, these renewable gases enhance energy security, reduce emissions, and position Europe as a global leader in sustainable and competitive technologies.

The European Commission’s net-zero target requires a profound transformation of our energy systems, driven by renewable energy, infrastructure development, and new market opportunities. To achieve this in the most competitive way, sustainable biomethane has a vital role to play in the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal, serving as an essential component of this transformation by providing de fossilization solutions, enhancing energy security, and strengthening Europe’s industry, explained Harmen Dekker, CEO of the EBA.

To unlock the full potential of biomethane, the Joint Offtakers Declaration on Sustainable Biomethane for Europe’s Green Transition outlines key actions.

These include setting long-term production targets for 2040 and 2050, supported by EU regulations and financial incentives to facilitate new projects and long-term agreements.

The Declaration also advocates for market-driven solutions by recognizing Guarantees of Origin (GO) and sustainability certificates in greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting, while removing barriers for corporate Biomethane Purchasing Agreements and improving cross-border trade within the EU.

Finally, the Declaration emphasizes the need for political and institutional support, including a comprehensive European biomethane market inventory to assess export potential and increased staffing at the European Commission to prioritize biomethane initiatives.

The Declaration brings together major biomethane offtakers committed to working alongside policymakers and the supply chain to drive sustainable production, rapid scaling, and widespread adoption of biomethane across Europe.

Building on the momentum of the 2021 Biomethane Declaration, which helped secure the REPowerEU target of 35 bcm of biomethane production per year by 2030, this new initiative shifts the focus towards strengthening demand.

Supplying 22 billion Nm3 (bcm) of renewable gas today, the biogas and biomethane sector is set to attract EUR 27 billion in investments by 2030, with the potential to reach 101 bcm by 2040, covering over 80 percent of the EU’s projected gas consumption.

At current production rates, biogases could help Europe avoid 106 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions each year, provide renewable energy to 19 million European households year-round, or fuel 533,000 LNG trucks.

With existing production already delivering results, accelerating deployment is key to a cost-efficient, net-zero future the signatories point out.

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